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Complaints - Tmnet Service ??? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 08 December 2009 11:32

I am deeply troubled by a number of statements made by your technicians who have called me up on two separate occasions (Dec 4 and Dec 7 respectively). During both phone conversations, I was made aware that they do not have any of the results of the Speedtests I have been sending to you.How is this even possible?

I have been requested from your end on several occasions to provide Speedtest/PingPlot results and only to discover that somehow this information is not being cascaded down to your field engineers?? Stop wasting my time by requesting this information from me only to have this routed to god knows where internally within TM. Do not trouble me with your internal incompetence.My patience is at an end. I am close to cancelling my Streamyx account if this is not resolved soon. Consider this a notice. As such, I expect my monthly subscription charges to be waived until this issues is resolved.

Status : Matter has been brought to the attention of Higher Officers for their immediate attention and action and also for the view and action for SKMM.

NCCC Advice : We urged consumers to became smart consumers and voice out your dissatisfaction and the best channels can be NCCC since we are bringing to the attention of Central Level Officers and Channel it to the Enforcements and also for the public views.

Ms.Matheevani Marathandan
Legal Executive/Complaint Handling Manager
National Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC)
Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional


Last Updated on Thursday, 14 January 2010 04:58