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Complaints on imigration officer PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 10 September 2009 15:31

The purpose of writing to the press is because I get no response from the Immigration Department and “warkahuntukpm” after writing my complaint to them. Two years ago, I just got my new international passport and I went to Singapore for my cousin’s wedding but unfortunately I got myself wet due to heavy rain. My passport was wet but it still looks good shape just for some watermark.  I was worried for the condition of my passport so I had to seek advice from the immigration office in Malacca.

They told me to wait for a month for the result of whether the passport was still useable.   They took my passport with them and asked   me to wait. After a month, I got a letter telling me that I had to pay another RM300 for a new passport that would only be valid for 2 years.

This punishment was too harsh and it was even worse than losing a passport. If I had known all this would happen, I wouldn’t have gone to seek the advice as    the passport was still usable. My uncle who had a wet passport and the condition was even worse than mine was able to use his passport to go to Singapore and Indonesia.  Two years ago I wrote as a Form 6 student and now I am writing as an undergraduate. I need the passport to continue my education or to work overseas. I felt   that I had be victimized and  I   really  felt  that I  had  be punished  enough as the passport that cost me three hundred dollars   was only use  once.

I hope that the immigration department will considerate and be kind enough to issue a passport for me that can last for five years and not two years.

Being a undergraduate  in the  local university and am not working I sincerely hope the immigration  department   will considerate  and let me apply  for a new  passport  that  for five years

For 3 years that I had been punished, can I now apply for a new passport that gives me 5 years?

Thank you

Disappointed tourist

Last Updated on Thursday, 10 September 2009 15:33