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You are here: Home Arkib Aduan Pengguna Arkib 2005 - 2008 P-S Satellite Television Complaint : ASTRO New Card
Complaint : ASTRO New Card PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 11 September 2009 11:01

20 April 2008

I have lodged a complaint to Astro Call Centre on 31st March 2008 concerning the faulty Smart Card that I received by post that day.

Several attempts were made to switch to the new card failed, despite Astro Customer Service Officer Ms Ong and also their technician Mr Shaun who guided me through  the telephone online.

As per Astro's Mr Shaun's recommendation, I switched on my Decorder  for 24 hours for ASTRO to download the software so that I could retry switching to the New Smart Card. However, after a few days attempts from 1st April'08 to 9th April'08, all attempts failed at STEP NUMBER 4 (Press OK and wait for 10 minutes for the Decorder to display the time.)

My request for Astro technician to come over to my house to rectify the problem was quoted with a RM50 charge which is not fair to me.

This is not my problem but ASTRO's problem. ASTRO is carrying out an exercise to replace the old cards and therefore, should provide a service to ensure all customers have their SMART CARDs conveniently replaced.

ASTRO should not burden the customers who over the years, faithfully pay for the services provided without failed.  It is an arrogant act on ASTRO's part to charge for this enhancement exercise. Instead of sending their  technician to look into the problem as promised through telephone on Thursday (10th April 2008), ASTRO terminated my Astro access on Saturday (12th April 2008), around 10.45pm and the old card longer
in used.

I have written  to remind ASTRO this morning, not to humiliate their faithfully paying consumer like me. I do not owe them any money and therefore do not deserve to receive such treatment from their company. On one hand, calling me to inform their technician will look into the matter immediately and other the hand terminated the service  without consideration at all.

I highlighted my Account Number: #816***** with ASTRO is no longer valid and also informed them not send me further notice.  I no longer interested in their service.

This complaint I lodge to Consumer Association is to highlight ASTRO's arrogant in carrying out the smart card replacement exercise. They threatened to charge RM50 for their technician's service without considering whether the smart cards that they sent to consumers are functioning or not  technically malfunction. They are not interested to listen, but only interested in charging. It is like day light robbery, to send new replacement cards to all consumers and to charge them if they do not know how to replace it themselves.

We all are awared that the EURO Cup is in June'08 and Beijing Olympic is in August 2008 this year and ASTRO is really in great demand. Please do not squeeze customers unfairly.   Your Consumer Association's action is highly
appreciated by all consumers who face the same faith like me.  Thanking you in advance.

NCCC : This complaint has been forwarded to MCMC and Astro for immediate action. Below is the response received from the complainant. Astro is not allowed to charge any amount if there is a fault with the new card which is currently being issued to all subscribers. If Astro insists on charging, please report to us at  NCCC.

Thank you


Good evening! Mr Darshan

I am very happy to receive your prompt reply. It was a wonderful feeling to know that our Consumer Association is very quick in taking actions.

Without your fast action, Encik Jan of ASTRO would not have called me during lunch today. He guided me to re-install the old card and now the ASTRO Service is online again. Having done the 1st part, he promised to send his technician immediately to help me get the New Smart Card replaces.

I will keep you posted on the development.

A million thanks to you, thats the spirit we "Consumers" treasured.


Particulars Witheld by NCCC