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Celcom Broadband services so called unlimited PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 11 September 2009 10:24

I have been on Celcom's 3G "unlimited" wireless broadband service for 2 months for the RM98 package and while it has never reached more than 1MB/s for me, eventhough they advertise it as 3.6 MB/s, I am still pretty happy with the service. However, since last month, my speed drop tremendously to only 512kbps and it did have problem frequently once is every 2 weeks. During that period I cant connect to my internet for 2-3 days. I called celcom for technical assist, and they said they are having technical problem and ask me wait for 3 working days while I have to wait for 3 days until I can reconnect my internet. I have been so unhappy with the services that they given which always having technical problem.

Since the beginning of the May, my internet speed drop again to 384kbps. And on 6th of May, I received an annoying SMS from Celcom informing that I had exceeded 5GB/month allocation of my Celcom broadband service at 3.6MBPS speed, or else celcom will reduce my surfing to speed to I don't know, probably a minimum of 384kbps? What the heck ? I did ask the promoter about the unlimited download term before I signed up for the package. She did answer me there is no limit for the user to download. Annoyed and puzzled, I made a phone call to Celcom careline to get some explaination� regarding the sms. I was told that they do not have the speed limit in action yet and I got such speed it is because they were upgrading their internet system until 9th of May. They promise my internet speed will return to 1.8mbps or may be 3.6mbps after the system upgrading had been done.

On the 8th of May, I found my speed suddenly drop from 384kbps to 128kbps. I called again to them, they said this is because system upgrade still under progress, everyone has the same problem in Malaysia. So I give my trust to them and wait patiently until 10th of May.

On 10th of May, I log into the Internet and I found out my speed is exactly the same, still 128kbps. I called again to make the complain again, they told me the system upgrade is extended until 11th of May. I have to give my last trust to them and wait until 12th of May.

On 12th of May, I login again, and found out my speed is exactly the same, still 128kbps. I called angrily to them , they told me they will make a special report for me and request me to wait for 3 working days. This time I'm not believe what they told me again, then I called the 2nd time, another customer services people answer me that they are facing problem today, ask me to wait for 3 working days.

On the next day, I called again, they said they are facing problem again on the day. I doubt is this the fake reason they tell customer. Then I check internet forum about other celcom's customer view. They said they all facing the same problem. Some of them who not use up the 5GB/month usage limit yet could already enjoy the fast speed. Then, I realize that Celcom is cheating me with those fake reasons. I called again last night and ask them what happen, and once again, they tell me they are facing technical problem. I asked again about the speed limit, they said they do not have such speed limit. I forcefully ask them to answer me honestly again, then they put me on hold for few minutes, when they come back, they tell me they have a new fair use policy and do have speed limit for my package at maximum 1mbps download speed. What the heck? 2 different answer if I do not ask them forcefully. I said my speed only at 128kbps. They just said he could make me a special report and ask me to wait for 3 working days.

So, what is the meaning of UNLIMITED context here ? I had no such problem with Streamyx for the last couple of years as I did go for UNLIMITED package as well. And why on earth the celcom personnel did not mention to me honestly when I asked if there was a limitation download to this package ? Truly, celcom need to remove the 'UNLIMITED' words in their advertisement...they shoud show to public as Pay RM68/RM98 for 5GB @ 384kbps / 3.6mbps*

On top of the LIMITED surfing, the speed of my celcom is not as per advertised. I was in the UK last February 2008 and managed to do some surfing using my friend's broadband wirelessVodafone. The Vodafone serviced is also at the same speed as offered by Celcom but fortunately to say, it was as per subscription. I did manage to get the surfing speed of up to 2MBPS and unlike my Celcom broadband, my download speed especially at dinner time normally reach only up to 200KBS. See the difference? The fastest that I got from Celcom was up to 1MBPS and at 4 AM in the morning. I even begin to mention about intermittent connectivity of my Celcom broadband.

I am so disappointed with the cheating action done by Celcom and I request NCCC can take an immediate action on them to protect the consumer's right.