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You are here: Home Arkib Aduan Pengguna Arkib 2005 - 2008 T-Z Telecommunications Complaint : Complaints on Maxis Broadband Hidden And Unfair Policy
Complaint : Complaints on Maxis Broadband Hidden And Unfair Policy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 11 September 2009 10:31

25 April 2008

Refer to above; please be informed that Maxis has quietly incorporated the Fair Usage Policy on their Maxis Broadband services since Feb 2008. This fair usage policy has act as an additional term to the terms of services. Heavy downloader whenever exceeding 20GB will be throttled at 256kbps of that month regardless of which package we�d subscribe. In additional, majority of ports have been blocked and p2p / file sharing software are only available from 1am to 6am. These changes which so-called as fair usage policy is even without any prior notice to the customer.


FYI, I�d subscribe to their services in early 2007 and their promoter did declare this Maxis Broadband is an unlimited broadband usage. Also, the promoter is not even mentioned about the fair usage policy which I believe it was not in placed initially. If you refer to this forum under the link, http://forum.lowyat.net/topic/656354 �and there is more than one user are facing the same problems. These annoying problems i.e. frequently DC, keep changing from HSDPA to UMTS, slow download speed, inconsistency and etc which has been persistent for almost 2 months since CNY 2008 maintenance by Maxis. In short, the connection speed is similar or even worse than 56k dial-up. Sad to say here, what you paid then what you can get is not working for Maxis Broadband. Majority users all overpaid Maxis for the broadband they have been subscripted.

Maxis has said that this fair usage policy has been there for years. However, not many of us are aware of this fair usage policy and not even been informed during subscription time. In common sense, how many of Malaysian will be subscript to this services if they know the hidden policy earlier. Somehow, Maxis did stated that any user wish to terminate their account will have a penalty to pay the fees of the remaining period of services. Note: The contract for Maxis Broadband is 18 months. Hence, a lot of users including myself are stuck with the deteriorated Maxis Broadband due to the penalty.

�Can this hidden policy or speed throttling without acknowledgement of customer consider as violation to customer right? I�m hoping that NCCC could look into this problem seriously and give a hand to the Maxis Broadband�s customers who wish to terminate their account without any penalty. Btw, this recent PC Fair at KLCC Conventional Hall will involve more victims since Maxis is not upgrading their broadband bandwidth instead of limit the users� bandwidth to cope up with the growth of user number.

�FYI, my Maxis Broadband account is getting expired in another 2 months. Definitely I will terminate it on that spot. Hence, my email is to help out those who just subscripted to this lousy Wireless Broadband and prove myself as a victim of it. I believe majority of them (including myself) are merely attracted by the �looking good� advertisement, good name of �Maxis� and purposely and they have been hide from the fair usage policy. Hard to believe this is from a public listed company.

Wish to hear from you soon. Thank you.

P/S: One consumer complaint on one issue could be nothing. Two or more consumers complain about a same thing could be rumor. But when large amount of consumers complain on the same issue again it really has to be concerned. Note: Malaysian shy in expression also in factor. This means it could involve more victims than expected since they�re under silent group.


Particulars witheld�