25 April 2008 Dear �NCCC,
I'm a� �frustrated Maxis Wireless Broadband user of the RM98 Power Package. My intention of writing this email to NCCC is to express out my�frustration.� I've made�several complains to maxis broadband but they aren't giving me any solution.�Furthermore�, I am not allowed to�unsubscribe�the service as they tie me up with an automatic 18-month renewable contract� terminate the service without paying them the penalty fees which cost more than RM1K. The solution that I'm seeking is to terminate without being penalized by the so called "agreement" and for maxis to open up� and improvise the connection. Here are some of the problems that i am facing :- 1)�Disconnection�and automatic redirection to maxis homepage . I am fine with�disconnections�but what troubles me is that my maxis connection automatically redirects to their home page which i find is rather annoying as sometimes when you are doing online transaction and if a disconnection occurs there is no way to resume back the session. It also makes me impossible to do overnight downloads�
2) Hard to connect to MSN Messenger and AIM. This is mainly because Maxis blocks MSN Chat protocol ports as MSN requires the ports to be opened
3) Could not browse properly on certain sites, such as youtube. Can't even load a single second of any video. This is mainly because maxis blocks all Incoming UDP/TCP connection to prevent programs to contact with the external world. Its like they are doing a NAT to prevent� users to use p2p applications and even to use voip applications�
4) Subscribed to 3.6Mbps which is RM98 per month, but ended up slower than a 384Kbps package which is RM68 per month.
5) 99% of the customer service assistants are very rude and not knowledgeable to assist user to solve the problem most of the time. Plus they do not admit that issues related to port blocking , MSN disconnection issues aren't related to maxis side. Instead they point fingers to the customers itself 6) Constantly busy help line that can't hardly get connected.
7) Extremely slow browsing experience during night time due to their service being over subscribed.
8) So called "Unlimited" but monthly bandwidth usage being set to 20GB, if limit exceeded, speed will be capped at 256Kbps until next billing date whereby their TOS clearly states 3GB �- "Each customer's total usage per month shall NOT exceed 3GB of data volume transmitted (total upload and download usage). This is to ensure that no individual hogs the bandwidth at all times." Source:-�http://www.maxis.com.my:80/personal/broadband/termncon.asp� 9) Misleading advertisements (Advertisement attached, obtained from http://www.maxis.com.my/personal/pic/broad...ew/slide7_2.jpg�).
10) Agreement never shown to me before sign-up. And the promoter insisted its "Unlimited Internet Service" and no blocking on P2P.
11) Blockage on 99% ports and P2P, making tons of software and online games not runnable, I could not download any Linux distribution thru P2P. Plus it makes me impossible for my son to play online games such as World of Warcraft. Maxis advertises that its possible to do everything with their broadband even online gaming.
For your information, I am not even able to use VPN Services to connect to my workplace which defeats the purpose of having maxis broadband. Maxis broadband customer staff doesn't even admit that they are� blocking the ports. But however , many of the maxis users are complaining because they are unable to use VPN Services as we are being routed via a NAT whereby most of the services are blocked. This makes it annoying for real broadband users as its like we are being in a co-operation whereby they enforce this strict rules. This is the first time that I've came across with an ISP in�Malaysia�that enforces such rules. Many of the ISPs in Malaysia allows the customers to freely use the service without blocking services such as VOIP, VPN and gaming ports.�
I do hope that you look into this matter. Personally , I do not mind if maxis is unable to provide me good speeds or so , but i just want maxis to know that they shouldn't be�throttling�or blocking multimedia applications because it defeats the purpose of� having a broadband connection in the first place. If Maxis is unable to resolve this issue , I hope that NCCC could help me to terminate this service without being penalised.
Lastly , I would like to express my gratitude and a thank you for taking your time and reading this letter. In case need further information such as�screen shots or Network file dumps (Wireshark) , kindly contact me via my cell phone or via email�
Yours truly ,
Above complaint has been sent to the Multimedia Commission for action. Dear��Sir�, Points to note, especially point no 4. Can we get Maxis to terminate the contracts without penalty and refund what ever payments which has been collected on the grounds of misrepresentation. According to S 19 of Contracts Act 1950 " a party to contract which was caused by misrepresentation is voidable at the option of the party whose consent was so caused". Can we consumers now demand that all our contracts are terminated? 1. "99% of the customer service assistants are very rude and not knowledgeable to assist user to solve the problem most of the time. Plus they do not admit that issues related to port blocking" 2. "Constantly busy help line that can't hardly get connected." 3. "Subscribed to 3.6Mbps which is RM98 per month, but ended up slower than a 384Kbps package which is RM68 per month". 4.�So called "Unlimited" but monthly bandwidth usage being set to 20GB, if limit exceeded, speed will be capped at 256Kbps until next billing date whereby their TOS clearly states 3GB �- "Each customer's total usage per month shall NOT exceed 3GB of data volume transmitted (total upload and download usage). This is to ensure that no individual hogs the bandwidth at all times." Source:-�http://www.maxis.com.my:80/personal/broadband/termncon.asp� Thank you Darshan Singh Director-NCCC