The following below is my complaint that I emailed to Jusco ( e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
) on 30th December 2007 with regards to a price discrepancy of a product that I bought from the above mentioned company. Until today they have yet to respond to my complaint. The price difference is very minor in today's terms ( RM0.90) but it is in my humble opinion, if one person's difference is RM0.90, imagine what's the difference is like if 1000 people bought the same product from �that one particular store and multiply this with the many branches of supermarket that this company has. The amount would be very large. I'm not asking for a compensation of �some sorts, all I'm asking is that a customer's right be respected and a big corporation like Jusco should be more responsible and not take lightly of any customer's feedback or complaints. Besides, I also demand them keep to their "We'll honour the lower price in case of any price discrepancy"tagline. Therefore I'm taking the next course of action, in forwarding this email to relevant bodies in the hope that they can alleviate this problem.
NCCC's Action : This complaint was forwarded to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs for action abd below is the response from the Ministry. Complaint of Price Discrepancy
Siasatan ke atas aduan pengadu telah dijalankan pada 8.1.2007 dan 9.1.2007.Pada 8.1.2008, harga barang yang diadukan telah turun kepada Rm8.39. "Test Purchase" ke atas barang tersebut juga telah dilakukan dan mendapati harga� barangan tersebut adalah sama seperti yang di pamerkan.
Berkenaan dengan aduan pengadu, satu siasatan telah dijalankan. Hasil siasatan mendapati pihak pengurusan pasaraya atau bahagian stor pasaraya berkenaan mengakui berlaku kesilapan dan terlepas pandang untuk mengemaskinikan harga barangan tersebut. Oleh yang demikian, satu amaran keras dan terakhir telah dikeluarkan kepada pengurus pasaraya berkenaan dan sekiranya kesilapan tersebut berulang, PPDN&HEP Negeri Johor tidak teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan.
Dalam hal ini, pengadu telah dihubungi. Pihak pengurusan Jusco telah mengatur pertemuan dengan pengadu di rumahnya pada jam 6.00 petang (9.1.2007)��untuk menghantar surat memohon maaf atas kesilapan yang berlaku. Wang pengadu akan dikembalikan 100 peratus iaitu RM9.60. Sebagai balasan aduan yang dikemukakan, pengadu akan diberi hadiah berupa hamper. Selain itu, satu surat amaran telah dikeluarkan kepada pekerja pasaraya terbabit ke� atas kesilapan yang dilakukan.
Pihak PPDN&HEP Johor juga telah menghubungi pengadu dan beliau mengucapkan terima kasih.
Ridzuan Bin Kamis