Complaints - Courts Mammoth Print
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 25 September 2009 11:53

I bought a new Acer notebook Aspire 4930-732G25 Serial (LXAR10X0818390783D1601) from Courts Mammoth on 18.09.2009. On the next day I try to install all the necessary program to the notebook according to what the IT consultant told us.

Unfortunately after using the notebook a while, it turn to the blue screen& show us a massage� Avoid computer spoilt shut down & restart�. Before restart, it will do scanning first & then it wills automatic restart again. But sometime it can�t restart itself, need to recover start up only can restart the computer.

Since this problem occurs quit many time so we stop trying anymore. We only able to call Acer on 23.09.09 to check this problem (long holiday for Hari Raya) but they advice us either back to Court Mammoth or send the set to repair.

Immediately I went back to Court Mammoth but they mention to me this is the last set & they can�t do anything. The only way is I must send back the set to Acer to repair it or they only can help me to call Acer.

I request them to change me a new set but they mention "No More Stock" & can�t help about this. Court Mammoth always mentions to me "Last set only can sell cheap" but for me "Cheap set" not mean "Spoilt Set�.

Therefore I hope a new set should be replaced to me as I bought it as RM2k & the first day the notebook already not in good condition. I really hope I would get a new replacement set rather than send the current set for repairing. I really hope to minimize the hassle of complaining & repairing this set in future.

Status of the case: Matter has been sent for both Manufacturer and Suppliers attention and further action.

NCCC�s Advice : �We regret that the trends of defective new products are increasing the market, we hope;

  1. Consumers will be more careful and check any products before thoroughly bring it back.
  2. Check whether is there any cooling off period available for the product.
  3. Don�t worry and be silent if there is a protection for consumers for defective products.
  4. If you feel helpless seek NCCC help to highlight your problem.
  • Sales and Goods Act 1950: Sec 16. Implied condition as to quality or fitness.
  • Consumer Protection Act 1999: Sec 46.� Consumer's option of refund or replacement.

The above provisions clearly gives consumers rights to reject the goods �can be any product/service� which is not merchantable quality �unsatisfactory quality� or not reasonably fit for the purpose. When we purchase any product and we found it not fit for the purpose that we bought and the defects is such til we can�t utilize it safely and serious. We as a consumer has all the right to reject the good and demand for a replacement or refund.

Please respond to any problem as soon as possible since any delay will cause trouble.

Last Updated on Friday, 25 September 2009 12:11