Complaints - Consumer Grouses against air services |
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Written by Administrator |
Monday, 28 December 2009 15:59 |
![]() The problem is as below: One booking has been made on 3rd March 2009 departing from KUL to BKK at 1340pm for 3 passengers by the name of Tan xx xxx, Tan xxx xxx and Chin xxx xxxx under the booking number of X1C5BP. However, on the departure day around 7.30am in the morning, the passengers had been informed via sms that the flight was re-scheduled to 1530pm while the passengers were on the way to get ready for board into a taxi to LCC Terminal for checking-in the flight. When the passengers arrived at LCC Terminal, they were again informed by Airasia that the flight was retimed/changed to 1610 and this was the final time that the passengers get boarded eventually. For simple illustration: Flight Changed from 1340 to 1530, then to 1610. So, the flight was delayed for more than 2 hours or in more accurate estimation, it was 2 hours and 30 minutes as you compared the original flight time and the final flight time. For your reference and tracking, The 3 passengers had been splitted into 3 booking numbers as below: Tan xxx xxx :X1C5BP Tan xxx xxx :XEE5LW xxx xxx Foong:TE4RCM Last but not least, i would like to seek for your clarification and verification for the case mentioned as above for claiming the RM200 airasia voucher which Airasia advertised as " selling points" that each passenger will be compensated for the amount should the flight be delayed for more than 2 hours and i believe that Airasia would compromise to the promotion rules. Again, i was exposed to some bad experiences dealing with Airasia previously that i received no reply from your side, consequently there was to no end of my case/queries. Thus, i hope that airasia would feedback in a timely basis for this case. anggarankerugian : RM 600 Status : Matter has been brought forward to the attention of all related parties for their immediate attention and action. Advice : The more complaint received the changes can be seen. Together we become a proactive consumers. Regards, Ms.Matheevani MarathandanLegal Executive/Complaint Handling Manager National Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC) Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional |
Last Updated on Thursday, 14 January 2010 04:57 |