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Complaints - COMPLAINTS AGAINST TM PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 01 April 2010 05:15

Akaun internet saya di daftarkan di atas nama isteri saya.Saya membayar perkhidmatan internet bulanan dan membayar RM60 untuk penggunaan internet 24jam sebulan tetapi saya tidak mendapat sambungan internet pada 30/03/10 selama 1jam lebih dan 31/03/10 selama 7 jam. Saya mahu TM tidak mengecaj saya RM60 berikutan kegagalan TM memberi khidmat seperti yang di tawarkan dan janjikan.

Pekerja syarikat yang bercakap dengan saya berjanji akan meminta Pegawai/Pengurus di TM menelefon saya pada 31/03/10 pada tepat jam 9.30pagi dan 10.00pagi, tetapi tiada siapa pun menelefon saya. Saya rasa tertipu dengan perkhidmatan TM dan di tipu oleh pekerja TM yang menjawab panggilan telefon dari saya.

Saya bertanya CAN YOU GIVE ME MY INTERNET CONNECTION? pekerja TM menjawab CANNOT SIR. When it comes to billing? I still have to pay RM60.When it comes to service, TM have a rights to say no, rights to say cannot sir, rights to not giving internet connection as promised? Adil ke tu????????

Pembelaan dari NCCC amat saya hargai.

NCCC Status : We have highlighted this matter to the Respondent and also for Malaysian Communication & Multimedia Commission for their view and further action on this matter. We will also monitor the progress of this case.

NCCC Advise :  We understand that certain consumer still receives poor broadband services and when reported to the service providers received poor response as well, we hope by receiving complaint to NCCC we can be able to address the difficuties that customers went through and therefore request for an urgent attention to this matter.

By us forwarding a copy to MCMC/SKMM also we hope a serious changes or improvement in quality expected. But at the same time, we would like to remind consumers to highlight your problems to NCCC and do not wait too long to bring up your complaint.

Ms. Matheevani Marathandan
Legal Executive/Complaint Handling Manager
National Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC)
Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional


Last Updated on Friday, 02 April 2010 05:18