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Complaints - Why a customer has to be in trouble for Service Providers Fault??? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 16 June 2010 22:15

Last week when I tried to register with M, I was informed that Celcom has blacklisted me due to non-payment. Upon checking with Celcom branch at Jalan Ampang, I was told that there is 1 unsettled bill amounting to RM531.00. I lodge an official complaint to Celcom on Monday 31 May 2010 mainly because:

  1. I still remember paying the RM531.00 in 2003 before closing the account.
  2. After that, I have opened another 2 mobile accounts with Celcom without any problems or being blacklisted.
  3. Where did my money from the payment I made in 2003 go? Why was this issue only been highlighted now after so many years?
  4. I was told that Celcom just recently update the system without complete traces or details about past records.

Why so many years then update the system? Without complete details? Celcom did asked for the Clearance Chit but I do not keep it as it is just a piece of paper and it was in 7 years ago in 2003. I doubt anyone would kept it as I can open new accounts without any problem whatsoever before. I definitely wanted to open another account in Maxis but I do not want to pay Celcom any more money as I have paid before. I went to Celcom branch again this morning to enquire about the investigation but it seems nothing has been done to investigate nor to clear my name from the blacklisted list. Celcom offered 50% discount for me to clear the "debt" that I have paid years ago? Is celcom trying to pinch out money from loyal customers? I really hope NCCC can look into this matter as it reflects bad governance of the company and put burden on paying customers.

Estimated Lost RM531.00

NCCC Advice: Matter has been brought up to the Officers and requested for an update on the progress and outcome of the case. Consumer has the right to receive a good service and product. Section 53 of the Consumer Protection Act 1999, the law states “Where services are supplied to a consumer, there shall be implied a guarantee that the services will be carried out with reasonable care and skill”.