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Complaints Of The Week - Pathetic service from ASTRO B'YOND PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 06 February 2010 07:04

I would like to bring to the attention of whoever is reading this email. ASTRO service need to buck up. You guys are offering such a pathetic service which makes me wonder why such a reputable company has such bad service. No wonder customers are running away. Let me cut the chase and go to the point.

On the 23rd January, my new B’YOND decoder couldn’t be switched on and since I was very busy I didn’t bother too much. On the 24th January morning the decoder was still not able to power up. I called your CUSTOMER SERVICE in the morning and reported the problem. I got the call back from the so called TECHNICAL SUPPORT later in the evening around 7 pm. That is almost 11 hours after I made the report. I was informed that the decoder might have some hardware problem and was informed that the technician will be calling me to replace the unit.

The ASTRO technician only visited my house on the 26th January around 9 pm to replace the B’YOND  decoder. By the time I’ve lost several days without ASTRO. He told me that the service can be activated in the morning on the 27th January since ASTRO need to synchronies the new Decoder and the previous B’YOND smart card. On the 27th, around 4 pm someone from ASTRO called me up and told me that they have a system problem where they are unable to synchronize the decoder with the smart card. I was annoyed and told the person to expedite. Seems like getting annoyed at your customer service is a daily routine for me after this. She never called me nor the decoder was working. Another day without ASTRO.

On the 28th I called up ASTRO again in the afternoon, and was given all kind of excuses. I told the agent to call me in 1 hour since she said she needed 4 hours. No calls came even after 4 hours so don’t dare tell I’m unreasonable. Around 5 pm something I called up ASTRO was really agitated. I blew but this agent was willing to listen to me. He took some initiative in getting some answer and finally they told around 10 pm that the smart card need to be replaced. That is the procedure. A new SMART card with a new decoder. Why the ASTRO technician know this or why was your previous customer service agent do something about it? I was given an option to collect the smart card or ASTRO will send it via Courier service. I don’t have time for you people. It’s not my problem but your ignorance hence told them to courier it. That was on the 28th. I waited patiently from 29th till today and not sight of the replacement card since they told me it will take 3 – 5 days

I called up ASTRO again and was shocked to find out that the card was shipped only today. What is going on with your company? This is the problem with monopoly. Get to work and see where the root of the problem is. Do a post mortem and find out why the delay. Anyway, I want to know from 23rd January till today I have no service to my B’YOND decoder. What is the compensation for me ? If I don’t pay on time, you guys disconnect my account and charge me RM 10 for reconnection. Now I want to know how ASTRO going to tackle this.

Malaysia is so backward at least 5 years in HD TV technology and was excited when ASTRO launched this service. What is the point when you charge for the HDTV and on top of that the customer need to patiently put up with the nonsense that you guys call SERVICE.

Please go through the chronology of the event and don’t bother calling me to find out the details since your record should have all the details. I need explanation and need to know when the new SMART card will arrive my mailing address. I NEED ANSWERS.

Malay Mail HOTLINE – I think is the frustration as a consumer we have to go through every day. Please publish this on the newspaper since I’ve given ASTRO enough time to act on my problem and I’ve not seen any resolution till date. I’m taking this up with the National Consumer Complaints Centre as well.

National Consumer Complaints Centre - Please take note on how the customers are treated unjustly.

STATUS: Matter has been brought forward to the attention of ASTRO Officials and also MALAYSIAN COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA COMMISSION for their view and action.

NCCC Advise:  We would like to urge consumers to send us the complaints whenever your service provider do not respond to your complaints within a reasonable time.


Kindly take note of the Guidelines provides by General Consumer Code of Practice for the Communications and Multimedia Industry Malaysia.

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 February 2010 07:09