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Saturday, 14 May 2011 04:21

Pada 22/4/11 (Jumaat), lebih kurang pukul 3.30 petang, saya mendapat satu panggilan yang memberitahu saya telah mendapat cabutan bertuah untuk bermalam di Palace of Golden Horses dan juga rawatan BMI & mata secara percuma .Saya dikehendaki tiba di Palace of Golden Horses pada pukul 6.45 malam sampai 8.00 malam.

Apabila tiba di "Palace of Golden Horses", saya diperkenalkan dengan mesin canggih mereka yang dapat mengesan "kanser" dengan cepat. Menurut, penasihat tersebut saya dikehendaki membayar jumlah sebanyak RM13,000.00 dan bayaran maintenance sebanyak RM578.00 setiap tahun selama 19 tahun untuk mendapat rawatan tersebut. Saya juga diberitahu untuk membayar wang pendahuluan sebanyak RM2,000.00 dan baki bayaran RM11,000.00 secara ansuran selama 4 tahun.

Saya menandatangani perjanjian untuk menjadi ahli pihak “Golden Horses Health Sanctuary" dan selesai lebih kurang pukul 11.30 malam. Ketika dalam perjalanan balik, saya terfikir ada sesuatu yang mencurigakan. Saya dikendaki membayar RM6,500.00 (50% daripada RM13,000.00 ) untuk mendapatkan rawatan tersebut.
Pada keesokan pagi, saya menelefon "Golden Horses Health Sanctuary" dan menulis surat mengenai pembatalan tersebut. Saya juga menelefon kad kredit saya untuk membatalkan transaksi tersebut. Pihak "Golden Horses Health Santuary" beritahu saya untuk menunggu selama 1 minggu tetapi hari ini saya mendapat panggilan daripada pihak "Golden Horses Health Santuary" bahawa duit pendahuluan sebanyak RM2,000.00 tidak akan dikembalikan kerana saya telah menandatangani perjanjian mereka.

Saya tidak puas hati kerana setahu saya semua pihak akan memberi masa 7 hari untuk buat pertimbangan, saya bukan sahaja menelefon tetapi juga menulis surat kepada pihak "Golden Horses Health Sanctuary" mengenai pembatalan tersebut pada hari keesokkan.

Tujuan saya membuat aduan ialah supaya dapat mengembalikan duit pendahuluan saya sebanyak RM2,000.00 sebab saya tidak dapat apa-apa rawatan daripada pihak “Golden Horses Health Santuary” dan telah memberitahu pihak "Golden Hoses Health Santuary" kurang daripada 24jam.


We signed up on 18th September 2010 following a sales presentation by Health Counselor in Kuantan, Pahang. We were convinced that we will be given best health prevention services by signing up for this membership. Upon signing up, we were then aware that there are a lot of limitations.

First of all, we waited for about one month before we received our membership card and agreement copy (whereas the health counselor promised that we shall received these within 10 working days).

Then, when we try to book for the first health screening on 25 October, we were told that every Monday GHHS will undergo maintenance. When we signed up as GHHS member, the health counselor mentioned that we may book for the health screening except on Sunday. We are from Pahang and will have to take so many days leave to go KL for the health screening if we are unable to schedule it on Monday.

We have no choice but to take 3 days leave to attend the health screening on 09th December 2010. We transfer our first year entitlement to my parents-in-law as we are concern of their health more than anything else. The health counselor told us earlier that the health screening will take one full day and may drag until 7.00pm upon finishing the consultation. To our surprise, the health screening finished early on around 11.00am and after lunch and consultation, it was only 2.30pm! Should we have known that the health screening will end so early, we wouldn’t have waste our money to stay another night in KL and may also work as normal the next day.

We were also disappointed that CT scan screening is not included. Lastly, we really have the feeling that we are being sweet-talked into signing up the membership for GHHS. We could have better spend the money on normal private hospital for our health screening in the future. Therefore, we request to terminate our membership with immediate effect and refund all the money to us.

Ramai pengguna menerima penggilan telefon daripada pihak Golden Horses Health Sanctuary (GHHS) untuk menghadiri perbincangan percuma tentang kesihatan sebab mereka mendapat cabutan bertuah. Setelah pengguna menghadiri ke perbincangan tersebut penasihat GHHS akan memberi pelbagai representasi tentang fungsi Golden Horses Health Sanctuary. Pengguna yang hendak menyertai program Golden Horses Health Sanctuary perlu menandatangani perjanjian dengan mereka.

Sebelum menandatangani perjanjian kebanyakkan pengguna tidak membaca  syarat –syarat yang tertakluk di dalam perjanjian tersebut malah mereka percaya apa-apa representasi dan maklumat yang di beri oleh penasihat GHHS.
Ada juga pengguna telah menghadiri ke perbincangan selepas menerima jemputan daripada pihak bank.

Antara syarat-syarat yang melindungi pihak Golden Horses Health Sanctuary adalah:-

  1. •    I/We understand that Golden Horse Palace Berhad (GHPB) does not allow any assignment or resale of Participation Right
  2. •    I/We understand that there is no financial return on the purchase of this Participation Right.
  3. •    I/We have attended the sales presentation and I am/we are satisfied that it was done in a professional manner and I am/ we are purchasing this Golden Horses Health Sanctuary – Health Screening Programme on my/our own accord without any form of undue influence / coercion. I/We hereby confirm that the purchase of the said Participation Right shall not place any undue financial burden on me / us.
  4. •    I / We hereby acknowledge that GHPB shall not be responsible for ay verbal representation made by any sales person. GHPB shall only be responsible to deliver all its obligation as provided in the Participation Agreement.
  5. •    I / We understand that there shall not be any refund of money paid on the purchase of this Participation Right.

Semua pengguna dinasihatkan membaca dan memahami syarat-syarat GHPB sebelum menandatangani perjanjian.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 02:17