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Consumer Alert : Be careful when driving alone on deserted road PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 14 September 2009 11:36


I am a frequent traveller to KL since I worked here in Kuantan. I am a single mother with 5 children where 3 of them are in Subang Jaya and two are staying here with me. The incident that shook me is as follows: please tell me what to do next, my friends can only hear my trouble but can't help me much...what should I do..

On 27th July 2007 , We left Kuantan at about 5:30am , I & my two girls left for a religious trip to KL going to Klang.

I was only going at 90km per hr and after taking my card from the $16.90 toll , it was a smooth journey.

We reached the Gambang rest area and seeing the place deserted, I decided to stop at the Gambang Petronas Petrol station.

Upon reaching I noticed there was no one around which was weird since we had stopped there many times and there was always the workers there but this morning it was so quiet. So I locked the car and followed my daughters to the bathroom. It was less than 10mins.

Then we quickly returned and as I started my car and left the area , my daughter asked me why are there two men standing in the dark area. I told her probably taking some fresh air.

About not even a kilometer, suddenly my car started making weird noises and stopped all of a sudden, I was worried as my Eon service mechanic told me my car timing belt is when I reach 60+++ but it was still 50xxxx. So what can be wrong.

Then I "ON" the hazard light and just sat in my car, telling my girls not to worry trying to call AAM, than the operator answered and I told her my problem, while talking to her, I saw this white Kanchil driving up and two guys stepped out, since my doors were locked I didn't open it, until one of them came and gave me his card, I told the AAM operator that someone from XYZ AUTO SERVICE was here to help and told her that I will call her back.
One guy introduced to me as Awie and told me to open my bonnet, he told me his partner named Osman was a former askar and that he works part-time as a mechanic, checked and told me my timing belt was broken and he need to call the toll truck, but since he didn't bring his handphone can he call from mine, he took the number from the the toll card and called , about 15-20 minutes later the Tow Line truck appeared, the two guys told the tow truck men that my car's timing belt was broken and that they stopped by to help, the tow truck guys than placed the cone and the two Malays guys left saying that that towing truck will take me to Maran workshop and they will wait for me, when I told them I prefer to go to Kuantan they kept insisting that since they called the towing truck will need to charge me $100.00 per kilometer .

So after they left, I stood talking to the Prime line guys who told me to wait for about 1/2 hour and if they towing truck doesn't appear, to call them and after giving me their number they too left.

So I waited for about 15 mins, the towing truck appeared and immediately like as though he know what to do he placed all the equipment and took us to the Maran parking area where I paid the RM10.00 toll. The Osman guy was waiting at the Maran Parking right after the toll from there took me and my two girls in his Proton Wira to show us the bengkel, which was situated below the sharp turn after the Maran Indian Temple , the place was a dumping ground for accident cars .

He told me his boss name AhPai will give me his car to continue on my journey while they repair my car which should be completed by 5:30pm in the evening and he will call and let me know the amount. The call that never came. Since I was rushing to reach my destination I didn't realise the car I was given by Ah Pai was like a potong kereta type for the meter show it is a auto whereas it was a manuel car and further more it smelled bad with stains of blood. I didn't have much choice . I and my girls stopped at Karak, threw away the papers which was inside the car , took off the car mat washed it with mineral water and dumped it in the boot bought incense and light it all the way to KL.

The next morning right after our religious event we left for Kuantan, stopped to pick my car which was no where in sight , met this Ah Pai's wife who immediately call her husband, he came in my car and proceed to tell me what he had changed and all but at first he didn't tell me the cost but when I insisted he told me the whole cost was about RM1,200.00, I go fuming mad and soon started war of words, where I scolded this AhPai but he kept insisting that my car will not be released until I pay. He kept telling me to come back on Monday and take my car which I flatly refused.

Then I called my friend and told my problem, he told me he will bank the money and when I asked Ah Pai to show me the nearest bank, he told me I need to go to Temerloh and said that is the nearest bank but he refused to tell me that in Maran itself has a bank and telling me to come back next day and collect my car but I insisted that there must be a ATM nearby and AhPai reluctanly took me to Maran CIMB , when we reached there, I took out the money and asked him again how much must I give him and he told me it was RM950.00 and took the money, but didn't give me any receipt when I insist, he said I am a trouble-maker and making lot of noise he even called the Osman and told him, the customer is giving me headache- 'dia buat kechoh! '

Then proceed to give the phone to me but I started shouting/scolding Osman and he quickly told me he will talk with his boss. When I asked him where is that Osman guy since he was one who told me he is working here, he told me , who said he is working here he only "cari Makan", I got more angry and called them thieves for robbing a single mother .

Then it occurred to me like a re-run film running at the back of my mind, My first stop at the Gambang Petronas , could it be that someone sabotage my car and than pretend to help, who were the guys in the dark watching us, my timing belt was not in pieces but still intact. Why did they refused to take me back to Kuantan. Was the towing guy and the Primeline all working hand in hand. I was shocked. After Ah Pai left us at his workshop and quickly took off in his car, it took his wife 25 minutes to write the receipt and when she finished she gave me bill for RM 928.50, I felt totally cheated when I saw the bill:

The charges went like this:- It stated as :: (Cash Bill No: 2286)
-Towing charges -80.00
1 set Top set Gasket-110.00
1 set Timing belt-. bearing & Oil seal -180.00
1 pc water hose 16.00
Ex-valve - 20.00
TM valve - 20.00
Engine Oil 45.00
Oil filter 10.00
Head lamp (R) - 80.00
Labour charge , to check , dismantle & to refit above mention parts- to combar - 350.00
5% Gov. service tax as labour -17.50
Total was RM 928.50 It was unnecessary charges.

I was fuming mad for oil filter /headlamp/engine oil were unnecessary and tod her that her husband took RM 950 .00 from me and she is giving me a bill for RM 928.00 she stared at me and asked me must I pay you the balance, I told her ,'you ingat itu free" than she reluctantly gave me the balance money.

I immedately left for Kuantan with my girls, I was so angry , felt taken for a ride and totally cheated especially when each dollar is hard earned and how I was to pay back this friend.

After telling my friends they made me see (1) what are the parts replaced or was something else stolen from my car (2) What if my car was used for some other activities (3) Why did he keep insitisting I take my car back on Monday. I am confused and I don't have enough money until my next pay day to check with Eon service to find out what was done to my car.
Why did he keep insitisting I take my car back on Monday. I am confused and I don't have enough money until my next pay day to check with Eon service to find out what was done to my car.

At this moment my car is really not in a very good condition for I know something is wrong, but since I can't afford, I need to use it as my only way on conveyance to & fro work.

Thank you .


Name witheld