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New Straits Times - Broadband services: Study appears to confirm complaints PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 10 September 2009 17:34
12 Sep 2006

THE Malaysian Association of Standards Users sympathises with broadband service customers who cannot get their services improved despite numerous complaints to the service provider.

by Ratna Devi Nadarajan, Malaysian Association of Standards Users

Indeed, broadband service providers topped the list with the most number of complaints against them.

The association did a study last year on complaints by consumers against service providers.

The nature of complaints was compared to the criteria recommended by the standards for complaints handling (MS 1432: 1998 "Guidelines on complaints handling" developed by the Department of Standards Malaysia [DSM].)

Based on the study, (conducted for DSM) complaints against broadband service providers were on the poor performance of the broadband service compared to what was promised during the promotion of the service.

And when consumers called in to lodge complaints, they were often given the run-around.

Consumers have to call on the average, twice before they can lodge an official complaint or before they get someone to listen to their problems.

We also tried to establish a monetary value on the loss experienced by consumers in the form of time and amount involved due to acquisition of services and arrived at RM463 per complaint and an average loss of 6.5 days to have their complaints attended to.

It is high time the telecommunication service providers pulled up their socks.

The above remarks do not cover issues relevant to mobile telecommunication service providers.

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