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Malay Mail : Dirty toilet label unfair PDF Print E-mail
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Friday, 11 September 2009 12:48


DON’T let one bad apple spoil the image of the whole barrel. That’s the response by Muslim Restaurant Operators Association president Jamarul Khan Kadir when refuting the findings of a recent survey on the cleanliness of toilets in various establishments.

Reports on the survey of 40 toilets at restaurants, petrol sta tions and public transport ter minals in Kuala Lumpur revealed that Indian Muslim or ‘mamak’ restaurants have the dirtiest toilets.

Jamarul said that it is unfair to label all Indian Muslim restaur ants as having dirty toilets.

“The few that are referred to in the survey are the ones located out of prime areas,” he said.

Jamarul said the association has been working in collabora tion with the National Toilet As sociation to promote clean toilets.

“Indian Muslims’ restaurants have improved in cleanliness as a result of the campaigns by the association in the past few years,” he said.

Jamarul disputed the accuracy of the survey results as the res taurants were randomly selected, and the survey did not consider the various standards of the res taurants.

Indian Muslim Congress’ nation al youth chief Datuk Thajudeen Mohideen also disputed the ac curacy of the findings as restaur ants fall into different standards and the survey did not consider that factor.

He said 90 per cent of the restaurants located in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor have clean toilets.

“The survey was probably done in lower-standard restaurants,” he said.
He said most restaurant operators accord emphasis on toilet cleanliness as it concerns the im age of their restaurants.

“The restaurant owners are also more aware of the need to keep toilets clean now following the campaigns by the association,” he said.

Nevertheless, Thajudeen said Kimma would monitor the con dition of toilets in Indian Muslim restaurants.

He added that the co-operation from the public is also necessary to identify restaurants that are found to have dirty toilets.

He said the public can com plain about cleanliness or even food prices via the congress hot line at 016-3629786.