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You are here: Home Arkib Aduan Pengguna Arkib 2009 Telecommunications Complaints - Victim of Celcom
Complaints - Victim of Celcom PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 26 October 2009 10:46
I am victim of the above company, where i am layman which know nothings much about the hidden agenda's behind promotions and marketing tactics by promoters. One day, when i was finish my lunch and rushing back to work place a group of CELCOM Promoters came and approach me telling about the promotion whereby if i take one and other 5 simcards we can call each other for free and sms free, it sounds good since i have exactly 5 of them in my family, but even then i did not say yes to them because i know nothing much and i said i consult my childrens and come back.

There a bunch of which forcing me to the max to take those cards and they u can keep this card and use when u make your mind there will be no charges and if you are still not interested then you can returned the cards ant any time you like that was the promised. I was convinced then i took those cards and when back.

As i returned back i totally forgot about the cards and until now i had never used any of it. But i was shocked when i received monthly bills for cards that i never used, furthermore it is a fraud done because usage has been shown.

I immediately call the above company to inform this matter but no action taken again i received another bills this is really cracking my head, why i should pay and get blacklisted for something which i have not used at all.

I call NCCC they advised me to put in writing, i have done so. Now im waiting for the above company further action.

NCCC ADVISE: Respective consumers we understand that such thing happens and we regret that it still happens. We always advise that whatever your intention is put it via writing then only we will be able to trace and keep record. We urged consumers which faced similar problem to send us your complaint so that we can take prompt action and liaise with SKMM and highlight this matter.