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Complaints - Unsatisfactory response from Celcom PDF Print E-mail
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Tuesday, 03 November 2009 15:27
Celcom has offered their Celcom Broadband Advance Service (with model for high speed connection) that capable of delivering the connection upto 3.6Mbps for the place I’m staying in Taman Mutiara Indah, Puchong. I’m interoduced to Celcom Broadband Advance Service in PWTC during the PC Fair (12th Apr’09), the promoter from Celcom Mobile Sdn. Bhd. (27910-A) of Marketing Department has verify the coverage for 3G high speed connected based on my address and commiting of the high speed connection before I’m offered to sign an one-year service contract.

Based on the 7 days money back guarantee, I’m trying the connecting out at home immediately on the same day but unsuccessful. Contacted CareLine for assistance, and I’m requested to talk to the technical team for technical issue. The technical guy claims that it’s a normal process that Celcom will take around two weeks to setup the connection after the order is submitted. Hence, I’m expected to wait for 2 weeks and revert if there is further problem.

On the later day that I’ve managed to get connected to the internet, but the connection speed is unsatisfactory and it is way below my expectation for Celcom Advance Package that is even slower than the speed for Celcom Entry/Basic package range. To confirm the speed problem, I’m testing the connection up via WWW.SpeedTest.Net website and it is given an average result of below 0.5Mbps. This given me no choice but to call Celcom CareLine again to verify the issue, after sharing my finding the CareLine Agent advised me to wait while the problem is investigated.

Based on the investigation, I’m informed that Taman Mutiara Indah, Puchong isn’t ready for High Speed internet connections yet and it’ll be ready only be Q3 this year. With that disappointing response, I’ve requested CareLine to look into revising my contract to a lower package and refund the excess payment paid for the higher speed. CareLine refused to comment further but agrees that the issue/request need to be escalated to the next level for further action and promised to revert to me ASAP. However, not concrete solution was given after a period of time.

Some time in Jun/Jul’09, I’m making several calls to Celcom’s CareLine again since there isn’t improvement on their service and I’ve not received any proactive response from any of them on my complaint/request. I was informed that the previous case is already closed, same story about investigation, Celcom Management approval and etc was told once again to me and requested me to continue waiting.
Without much progress, I have decided to put a record on my problem to to CareLine via email in order to have a record that can be referred in future when needed. Couple of emails was sent to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it since 22nd Oct’09 and attached with SpeedTest result on the 25th Oct’09 without response. Due to the poor and unsatisfactory response from Celcom on problem which I’m already facing for about 6 months, I’d like to bring this issue to your attention and advice.

NCCC Advice:
We have forward the complaint to the Celcom personnel for their action in solving the matter amicably.

Abdullah Bin Mohamad Abu Bakar
Legal Executive/Complaints Manager
Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional
National Consumer Complaints Centre
E-Mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it