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Complaints - Black listed by Celcom PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 09 November 2009 16:52
This is Chin. I'm one of those victims of clone calls way back in the 90s.

I went to Maxis centre trying to apply for a line but was told that i'm blacklisted by Celcom and thus they will not be able to accept me. I went to Celcom centre and found out that i have really been blacklisted by them because their system shows that i have an outstanding balance of RM 675.00 from my old account (mobile number 010-2297121) with them. So, i requested more detail info from them as i want to know how do they arrive at this amount.

Their answer is: This account is way back in 1994/1995. Your account is too old  for us to retrieve detailed info. Our system cannot reprint any statements to show you.

I quickly recalled my reasons for terminating the 010-line and remembered that i terminated the line because there were lots of clone calls from my line to Bangladesh & other numbers not known to me. I was told to slash out the clone calls and make only the actual call amount. That's all i could recall as this matter happened 15 years ago.

My question is:-
  1. Can Celcom still chase me for payment eventhough they could not produce any statements or proof that the amount that i 'owe' them is what reflected in their system?
  2. How accurate then, is this figure? If Celcom claimed that i owed them RM6,000, do i have my right to query the amount?
  3. I can't just pay them base on what shown on their system as their system does not hold records for 'old account'.
  4. As for the case of income tax, we are told to keep all relevant documents for 7 years. Does this apply in my case? What's the guideline?
  5. If Celcom system cannot reflect the records for accounts back in 1994/95, then on what basis they still blacklist me?

I sincerely hope Ms. Vani could help me in this case on how to uplift my blacklist with Celcom.

Thank you

NCCC Advice: Bring this matter up to SKMM.
  1. Always be careful with all your bills, service providers and financial institutions etc.
  2. Nowdays its very easy for the respondents to charge blacklist.
  3. So we as a smart consumer must keep our facts and details upto-date.    
  4. Always dont delay any matter, and don't give up easily
  5. "Together we become smart consumers"    

Ms. Matheevani Marathandan
Legal Executive/ Complaint Handling Manager
Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional
National Consumer Complaints Centre
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