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Complaints - P1 Wimax always suffer with slow connection PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 02 October 2009 09:39

I am using p1 wimax and always suffer with slow connection problems. I had issued this problem to skmm and I got feedback from p1, which then the connection is better. However, the good thing is not lasting long, not even for a week. These 2 months, I can’t get connection, or extremely slow/unstable connection…

Last Updated on Friday, 02 October 2009 09:43
Complaints - Celcom prepaid PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 30 September 2009 17:58
Saya menggunakan nombor prabayar dari celcom 109 2682860 sejak sekian lama lebih kurang setahun lalu. Setibanya saya ketanah air setelah berkerja diluar negara pada 15 september. Saya tambah nilai dan menggunakan nombor ini seperti biasa. Dukacitanya saya hanya boleh membuat panggilan luar dan menghantar SMS sahaja tetapi tidak dapat menerima panggilan atau sms. Apabila saya menghubungi CELCOM careline, dia mengatakan bahawa talian saya semuanya aktif, tetapi tiada apa2 yang berlaku.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 30 September 2009 18:02
Complaints - Disruption of Service by DiGi PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 30 September 2009 17:42

I am currently a DiGi subscriber. I have had endless problems with DiGi. I have had a dispute with DiGi on some charges which I had not used - GPRS charges to be exact. I had first complained in April 2009. I had requested for a letter to be sent to me explaining the delay in getting back to me.

Last Updated on Thursday, 08 October 2009 11:03
Complainst - Celcom internet bill usage that gave me a shock PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 29 September 2009 17:39

Salam, saya telah menerima bil penggunaan 3G dari celcom (pay per use plan) sebanyak RM500 (August dan September) meskipun saya tidak menggunakan perkhidmatan tersebut. Aduan sudah dibuat namun jawapan yang saya terima setakat ini amat tidak memuaskan. Celcom menyalahkan penggunaan technology dari iPhone bukan kelemahan dari sistem mereka.

Complaints - Telekom Malaysia PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 29 September 2009 17:37

I have launched a complain to telekom berhad, regarding to account :c93117-455-0109, which is not belong to me, i was advised to report to police and submitted the police report to tm point at titiwangsa at month of May, after a months , there is not news on the investigation,

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 October 2009 10:12
Complaints - Dissappointed with Maxis PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 28 September 2009 17:31
Yesterday (27/09/2009), I went to Digi center to register for new line. Once the staff check my IC num in his system, he say I cannot open a new line as i was "blacklisted" by Maxis.

I was shocked with the news as I pay all my bill in time every month. So I when to Maxis centre and clear all the outstanding amount. Hence i was not satisfied with the status, i call maxis helpline to get the reason i was "blacklist".
Last Updated on Monday, 28 September 2009 17:43
Complaints - Internet & Broadband Services PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 25 September 2009 12:13

Saya membayar untuk servis yang tidak tetap dan konsisten, walaupun aduan telah banyak kali dibuat tetapi tindakan lambat diambil dan juga dibuat secara sambil lewa dan tidak serious.Atas sikap sambil lewa pembekal serivs, saya tidak dapat mengunakan servis yang saya langgan untuk tempoh 2 bulan (Mei, Jun) dan pada masa yang sama saya masih lagi membayar yuran penggunaan kepada pembekal  servis.

Last Updated on Friday, 25 September 2009 12:18
Complaints - Fraud Calls PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 23 September 2009 10:29

Dear NCCC 

Few months back we have serious fraud phone call from Maxis & they insist to ask to pay the full bill. The dispute value already ballooning to > RM100K, we have met many person from that telecommunication company & even write to the top person of SME division. After waited for 6 months, there is no one entertaining us.

Personal Detail Witheld

Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 September 2009 11:31
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