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Complaints - TM line connection saya terlalu lambat PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Tuesday, 03 November 2009 15:14

Saya merupakan seorang pengguna streamyx dan saya menggunakan line 1M. Apa yang berlaku adalah saya mendapati line connection saya terlalu lambat. Oleh itu saya pun menghubungi pihak TMnet melalui no. berkenaan 1300888123. Bukan sekali sahaja saya menelefon pihak TMnet akan tetapi sudah beberapa kali saya menelefon TMnet dalam bulan ini.

Setiap kali panggilan yang saya buat di jawab oleh operator yang bertugas berkenaan dan saya pun menceritakan apa masalah yang terjadi. Mereka cuba menyelesaikan masalah saya. Memang tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa mereka dapat menyelesaikan masalah saya.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 November 2009 15:21
Complaints - SMS Scam PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 28 October 2009 17:23
Saya telah menerima Sms Scam dari no telefon +60178961905 pada 20/10/2009 jam 10.43 pg. “Congratulations! Nombor Hotlink Anda telah berjaya mendapatkan hadiah Utama, wang tunai RM 10,000 dari Power Root Sdn Bhd. Sila dail 0178923475. Pin anda adalah 77ed01” Setelah menghubungi 0178923475, Hj. Hasandin Abdullah (nama penyamaran mungkin) memaklumkan saya memenangi RM 10,000 tanpa sebarang faedah.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 17:27
Complaints - Victim of Celcom PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 26 October 2009 10:46
I am victim of the above company, where i am layman which know nothings much about the hidden agenda's behind promotions and marketing tactics by promoters. One day, when i was finish my lunch and rushing back to work place a group of CELCOM Promoters came and approach me telling about the promotion whereby if i take one and other 5 simcards we can call each other for free and sms free, it sounds good since i have exactly 5 of them in my family, but even then i did not say yes to them because i know nothing much and i said i consult my childrens and come back.
Complaints - Celcom mengambil kesempatan menipu pelanggan PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 16 October 2009 16:30
Saya salah seorang pelanggan Celcom ingin membuat aduan bahawa Syarikat telekomunikasi tersebut telah mengambil kesempatan dan juga juga menipu pelanggan-pelanggannya iaitu

Mengikut syarat yang dipersetujui dengan pihak Celcom ketika mendaftar dan juga terdapat ruangan credit limit dalam ruangan borang pendaftaran setiap pelanggan boleh membuat jumlah terhad setiap panggilan telefon (Credit limit) bagi setiap bulan.
Complaints - Victimized by SMS scam - DIGI deducted amount from number without our knowledge and approval PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 15 October 2009 12:08
Attached complain also to Star Probe for your reference.. Dear Star Probe Team, First of all, I wish to praise the effort by your team which have helped highlight issues that otherwise would be swept under the carpet.. Currently I have encountered a problem involving one of the big Tel Corp (DIGI), which I feel would be a worth while issue to address..

The whole issue started with my son hand phone which was being deducted on a regular basis by DIGI without the knowledge and approval of the user.. Up until last weekend, the total amount deducted was about RM100.. When my son approached me to ask permission to changed new number due to the missing credit, I have called DIGI to investigate and verified the matter..
Complaints - Is this Celcom's Marketing Trick? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 08 October 2009 10:50
I when to Celcom centre in JB (Tampoi) today to get a blackberry plan, first they ask to change my prepaid to post paid, ok that is fine but when i call your helpline and when to your web site i saw the the basic plan of RM38 but when i when to your centre they inform me that i need to register for the unlimited plan for RM150 a month.
Complaints - P1 Wimax slower than a turtle PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 October 2009 11:33
Over the past month I have been calling numerous times to your careline to complaint about the "worst than dial up" speed which your company have been providing me.
I cannot even get a proper speed test from your speedtest screen, no need to mention my ability to upload the test screens' to this email.
Complaints - TM PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 October 2009 10:06

Signed in with streamyx package with HP come with modem. Yet to received the Modem and HP already charge the full installment to my credit card.

Complaints - PLAN was CHANGED without my knowledge PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 October 2009 09:59

I am a Hotlink Youth Club customer since Feb 2009. On September 1, 2009, i discouvered that my Youth Club Plan was CHANGED to the Normal rate plan Extra Plan without my knowledge. Complaints had been made to Maxis Customer Service Hotline via 1300 820 120.

Written by Administrator   
Wednesday, 07 October 2009 09:54

Saya telah mendaftar perkhidmatan Telekom serta Steamyx pada Jan 2007 di Kuala Lumpur.  Pada bulan Nov 2008 saya telah menambah pakej streamyx tersebut dengan pakej Celcom Broadband yang mana bayaran bulanan bagi pakej tersebut RM 108.  No account bil steamyx saya adalah C91115-007-0202.  Buat masa ini saya masih menerima bil dari kedua-dua perkhidmatan untuk pakej tersebut iaitu bil dari TM dan juga bil dari Celcom yang bernombor akaun 4473 0229. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, 07 October 2009 10:03
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